like to trade for some 8x56R brass for a steyr can be berdan but would like boxer. Also need dies. PM me what you would like in trade and I will see if I have it.
looking for 8x56R Steyr brass
Dies for them are fairly cheap. But only the sizing and seating dies are in the set. You would still need a shell holder. Midway still says in stock, and for 10 bucks cheaper than Lee (Who says out of stock). The The Lee #16 shellholder should work if you have the 7.62X54R dies already, or you need to get one if not.
All my 8X56R cases are all already reloaded.
Steyr stopped selling brass headstamped with their name years ago. They only sell Prvi Partizan brass now.
Seems to be in stock, too, unlike their 7.62X54R. They also sell correctly sized Prvi bullets 208 grains and Hornady 205 grain .330" for the 8X56R