Want to trade 3 pounds of modern food service pewter ingots for your 200 - 1000 degree Casting Thermometer. Would like a 6 inch stem and 2 inch dial, but I'm not married to that. Let me know what you have.
My pewter comes from from hallmarked, modern, food service pewter as shown in the picture below. I do not buy "antiques" or items not hallmarked. I have not had the alloy assayed, but it should be lead free. I use it as pure tin and it works wonderfully for boolit sweetener.
I cast the clean alloy into small ingots between 1.5 and 3 ounces, most under 2.5. Each one is weighed on a digital postal scale and the weight recorded in magic marker. Cast in a Potter mold with a P for easy segregation / identification. The bottom of the P is almost perfectly centered on the ingot. Clamp the ingot in a vise or pliers and snap it in half for more precise additions.
Trade only within the USA, each pays our own shipping.
Note: Picture shows 5 pounds on the scale. Trade is for 3 pounds. Picture is to show representative ingots only.
My pewter comes from from hallmarked, modern, food service pewter as shown in the picture below. I do not buy "antiques" or items not hallmarked. I have not had the alloy assayed, but it should be lead free. I use it as pure tin and it works wonderfully for boolit sweetener.
I cast the clean alloy into small ingots between 1.5 and 3 ounces, most under 2.5. Each one is weighed on a digital postal scale and the weight recorded in magic marker. Cast in a Potter mold with a P for easy segregation / identification. The bottom of the P is almost perfectly centered on the ingot. Clamp the ingot in a vise or pliers and snap it in half for more precise additions.
Trade only within the USA, each pays our own shipping.
Note: Picture shows 5 pounds on the scale. Trade is for 3 pounds. Picture is to show representative ingots only.