I have a couple of extra sets here and would like to move them on, $25 each shipped (USPS small flat rate box). Cash always works, but I can also use a set of good 30-06 dies, or jacketed bullet in.357, .270, .30 (carbine). I also need components for my Dillon 550B press; shellplates-C,B,7, also powder funnels; K,J
I have two extra #5 shellplates for a Dillon 550B as well as extra locator button sets #4 and #3.
First is a set of Lee dies in .222 Rem. Box is complete with instructions, powder scoop and shell plate.

Second is a set of Pacific Durachrome dies in 25-06. Two dies, the first is a de-capper fl sizer, the second is the seater. An extra de-capping pin is included.

I have two extra #5 shellplates for a Dillon 550B as well as extra locator button sets #4 and #3.
First is a set of Lee dies in .222 Rem. Box is complete with instructions, powder scoop and shell plate.

Second is a set of Pacific Durachrome dies in 25-06. Two dies, the first is a de-capper fl sizer, the second is the seater. An extra de-capping pin is included.
