I have several thousand shotgun hulls for sale. Win AA Red and Gray, Gun Club, Estate/Top gun, Federal Gold Medal, Federal Paper, and STS/N27.
STS/N27 7cents ea. Plus shipping
Federal Paper 6 cents ea. Plus shipping
Federal Gold Medal 6 cents ea. plus shipping
WAA old style CF 7 cents ea. plus shipping
Gun Club 4 cents ea. plus shipping
WAA 5 cents ea. plus shipping
All once fired Thanks for looking Oldfella HULLS STILL AVAILABLE 7/10
STS/N27 7cents ea. Plus shipping
Federal Paper 6 cents ea. Plus shipping
Federal Gold Medal 6 cents ea. plus shipping
WAA old style CF 7 cents ea. plus shipping
Gun Club 4 cents ea. plus shipping
WAA 5 cents ea. plus shipping
All once fired Thanks for looking Oldfella HULLS STILL AVAILABLE 7/10